
主题:【原创】朝鲜战场上的美国“老爸”——当了战俘名利双收(续) -- 老拙

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家园 老总啊,你这文还有再续么?

没找到你说的照片,不过这老诺被放回去以后可没说志愿军什么好话啊,大谈其被共产党洗脑虐待的经历。找到53年的一段报道,题目就是“共党试图掩饰死亡”,我把它放到另一贴,说是老诺回去后写的一篇文章,说共军杀了不少人啊,故意折磨他什么的,有兴趣的可以看看。另外老诺还在56年一本名为“洗脑”的书里谈他“为共军洗脑和折磨”的经历(In book Brainwashing published in 1956, world authority, Edward Hunter, recounts the personal testimony of Frank Noel, American press photographer who was captured in the Korean War and subjected to brainwashing and torture by his Chinese captors. ),谈Burchett和“令人厌恶的”Alan Winnington怎么帮助共军洗脑,“把无辜者变为叛节者”("helped edit self-criticisms and confessions which turned innocent men into renegades like themselves.")。他还说他刚开始拒绝接受相机被共军利用来宣传,又怎么巧妙的利用这个作弄共军。("Because of this attitude of mine, before the camera arrived, Burchett wrote me a letter saying I would not be forced to snap anything I did not want, and that everything I did was voluntary. This was Red double-talk, but I beat it by giving it my own slant. That letter became my most valued possession. Whenever anyone tried to interfere with the way I was taking a picture, or whenever they tried to get me to take one of their fake propaganda scenes, I'd pull out this letter and say, 'I don't have to do it. Here's a letter from Burchett saying so. He ranks higher than you in the Communist Party. " )呵呵,这哥们当面一套背后一套,不如老总厚道啊。

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