
主题:1939年4月9日,汪精卫发表的《重要声明》 -- 自向荒郊寂寞红

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家园 看看汪精卫是不是汉奸。太长,短信发不了。故贴在这儿。

bunker说汪的讲和动摇了提供国际救援的国家继续对中国提供援助的信心。我见到的照片,是汪一家在河内时的照片,女儿比较像汪,蛮漂亮。至于修女什么的就不知道了。bunker 认为汪投日有救国的因素,也有对蒋报复的因素。【我不认为,特别是看了近卫声明后。】 李敖很有可能根本没有看过这本书。p115 第一段是讲汪的出走造成的国际影响。摘几句:internation confidence in china's intention to continue resistance was gravely shaken-and foreign support for Cjina's cause was based on confidence in china's resolution. brithish ambassador expressed the consensus of his colleagues that if any of the key generals should support wang, it would mean "serious trouble“ for the chiang regime.donald made reprsentation to the british and amercian govtthat "nothing that wang might do or say represented the chinese govt in any way" 第二段,是蒋的反应,1、汪不再代表中国政府。2、on the other hand, chiang praised wang's"sincerity" and his "unselfish devotion" and asserted that wang would "surely display a spirit of cooperation" in sharing responsbility for the solution of national problem.chiang hoped that the difference bw himself and wang might be bridged,as the two men so ofen in the past had separated and come toghter。【当时蒋还是比较相信汪的】 第三段是作者提出的问题和日本人的现实要求。who knows what might have happened if the japanese had really fulfilled their promise to announce the withdrawal of their troop from china in exchange for minor concessions? might not chiang himself have been delighted to have wang take responsbility if he could win such condition from japanese? alas,when konoye finally made his statement-- the so called "third" konoye statement--it failed to contain the withdrawl promise.japanese demands for troop stationing in north china and for economic previleges and priorities were touched on. 第p116 页的第一段引述了近卫声明的第一段。however,what appeal these promises might have had for china -- if indeed they had any meaning at all -- was completely negated by the first paragraph:"the japanese govt are resolved,as has been clearly set forth in their two previous statements issued this year,to carry on the military opeartions for complete extermination of the anti-japanesekuomintang govt,and at the same time to proceed with the work of establishing a new order in east -asia together with those far-sighted chinese who share in our ideals and aspiration." thus in no sense coulde be the konoye statement be called a basis for peace.it was a basis for capitulation. 然后,就是蒋的应对声明,直到116页完。【看一看,所谓的近卫声明是什么?根据这个声明,而发的艳电不是卖国是什么?】

【大致看了一下,汪被刺之前的章节,汪去法国原本是打算与一个叫tani masayuki日本人谈判,后被法国政府(一说国民党)阻止。而且在河内则通过一个叫kao的人频频和日本人联系,在被刺前,汪就计划建立自己的军队“third force”,并且在中国北方和中部重建政府,曾经要求日本护送其回国,但当时日本军部对此并不上心而被拒,理由是不利于日本的军事行动。这点极具讽刺意味。更为恶劣的是,汪在期间企图策反张发奎和龙云。所以说汪投敌是必然的,只是迟早而已。刺杀事前只不过是催化剂而已。蒋杀汪有两个理由,1、汪如果去欧洲,有可能在那里开展卖国运动,妨碍中国获得更多的国际援助。2、汪一直与日本频频接触,当心汪迟早投敌,后果不堪设想。故要除之而后快。汪是汉奸,是板上钉钉的事。重庆方面。曾经答应如果汪回重庆,保证他安全及政治地位,但汪为了他卖国的自由而断然拒绝。我呸】

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