
主题:《纸飞机》的flash -- 黄家丑丫头

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家园 Re:《纸飞机》的flash

It also took me some time to learn how to post flash, and just learned how to get embed weblinks from 机会主义者, ^-^.

To post flash,

1. find original web links of the flash. (tips as following)


如果看到一个FLASH或音乐却不知道真实的地址,可以在网页中按右键,选择“察看源文件”,在弹出的写字板中是该网页的HTML代码,可以用搜索功能查找字符“EMBED”,后面应该跟有一个“http://…………”的地址,这就是flash或音乐的真实地址了。{cchere.com 机会主义者}


2. click the UBB "Flash" ([FLASH][/FLASH]), which is on the third right of [URL][/URL].

3. copy the original web links (from step 1) and paste it between ([FLASH][/FLASH]).

4. click "finish", and it will be automatically reflected in the post.

5. practice in the 测试专用版, if you are not sure about the methodology.

For information only, ^-^.

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