
主题:那位英语好的帮帮忙 -- 面壁

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家园 请 -------------------

It's been a year daddy.

I really really miss you!

Mommy says you are save now,

In a beautiful place called heaven.

We had your favorite dinner tonight,

I ate it all up!

Even though I don't like carrots.

I learned how to swim this summer,

I can even open my eyes while I'm under water.

Can’t you see me?

I started kindergarten this year,

I'm carrying a picture of us in my Blues Clues lunch box.

You are the greatest daddy!

I can swing on the swing by myself,

Even though I miss you pushing me.

Can’t you see me?

I miss how you used to tickle me,

Tickle my belly.

My belly hurts,

I try not to cry,

Mommy says it's OK,

I know you don't like it when I cry,

You never wanted me to be sad.

I try, Daddy, but it hurts.

Is it true you are not coming home?

Maybe some day,

I can visit you in heaven, OK?

It’s time for me to go to bed now,

I sleep with the light on,

Just in case you come home,

and kiss me good night.

I love you so much!

I miss you daddy!

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