
主题:【原创】飓风逃生计 -- Highway

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家园 麦帅啊,这个你买了恐怕也不能用啊

不管它广告上说2英里,6英里,使用一般民用频道只能少于500毫瓦。 那种能上12英里的是要FCC的执照的。

当然了,我等凡人是不行的,您麦帅要用,FCC人的要是不知趣,您就给他一个耳刮子,“笨蛋, 我这是军事要务,~!·#¥%%……

Most two-way radios carry a range of 1 to 2 miles, which really depends on the terrain and weather conditions

You can buy extended-range radios but they exceed the FCC's (Federal Communications Commission) maximum wattage of 500mW and employ a GMRS frequency

If you need the added distance, though, you'll have to buy a GMRS (General Mobil Radio Service) license, issued by the FCC, and pay a fee required for use of the extended-distance radio

Manufacturers will list both the range and let you know if a license is required. That's why most models fall in the 1 to 2 mile range, without any licensing fee required.

关键词(Tags): #民用频道
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