
主题:[求教]向Grace大姐及各位CC大厨讨个菜谱 -- 东湖珞珈

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家园 [求教]向Grace大姐及各位CC大厨讨个菜谱

有没有做野兔的菜谱? 嗯嗯, 不好意思, 还想讨个松鼠的菜谱。不要砸偶,偶不是野人! 这边老美打猎, 这些都是最常见的猎物, 对了, 还有野鸡,野鸭, 野鹅, 要是有中国式的菜谱, 请一定告诉我, 先谢过了。

网上老美的菜谱倒是有一大堆, 试过几个, 不好吃的说。不管好歹,先帖几个再说, 至少显示不是只有偶想吃这些野味的, 很多很多人也是吃的, 偶不是少数, 不是异数。 回想起小时候吃的野兔,大雁,野鸡,流口水ing.


Rabbit with Mushroom, Onion, and Bacon

1 rabbit, quartered

6 slices bacon

1 medium onion, chopped

1 1/2 cups button mushrooms, quartered.

Flour for dredging

Cook 6 slices of bacon in a 12” oven safe skillet until crispy. Remove the bacon from the pan, leaving the rendered bacon grease in the pan. Chop the bacon and set aside.

Dredge a rabbit (cut into quarters) in flour, salt, and fresh cracked black pepper. Brown rabbit sections on all sides over medium heat in the rendered bacon grease. Remove rabbit from pan. Drain off the grease in the pan (WIPE ANY DRIPS ON THE PAN TO AVOID OVEN FLARE UPS). Return rabbit to pan, surround with quartered mushrooms and chopped onions. Set in 350 degree oven for 20 minutes.

Remove the rabbit and vegetables from the pan, leaving as much of the drippings in the pan as you can.

Make gravy with the pan drippings. Pour some gravy on the plate, add a quarter of the rabbit (or 2 if you are hungry) and top with the cooked mushrooms and onions. Sprinkle with chopped bacon. Serve with garlic or horseradish mashed potatoes.

Simmered Squirrel and Dumplings

2 squirrels in serving pieces

2 bay leaves

1 cup chopped celery

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

2 teaspoons of salt

1 cup sliced onions

10 medium carrots

Cut 2 squirrels in serving pieces. Place in a kettle, cover with 1 inch water, add 2 bay leaves, and simmer 1 ¼ hours, skimming as necessary. Add 1 cup sliced onions, 1 cup chopped celery, 10 medium carrots, quartered. Season with 2 teaspoons salt and ½ teaspoon pepper; add 1 ½ cups hot water. Cook 15 minutes longer. Add dumplings (below).


2 cups flour

½ teaspoon salt

4 teaspoons baking powder

¾ cup milk

Mix dry ingredients. Gradually add milk. Turn dough into floured board, roll to ½ inch thickness, and cut in 3-inch squares. Place on top of ingredients in kettle, cover tightly, cook 15 minutes.

Serves: 4





关键词(Tags): #菜谱
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