
主题:【原创图片】想起了密西西比河,想起了新奥尔良 -- 梁子

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家园 橡树是怕水淹滴




Oak Tree Deaths Tied to 2003 Hurricanes

Arborists say that the demise of hundreds of oak trees in central and eastern Virginia -- many of them older than 100 -- is due to drought conditions the trees suffered for several years before a drenching from hurricanes in 2003. This summer\'s high temperatures have further stressed the trees, causing them to die.

\"If you track the path of Isabel, that\'s exactly where these trees are dying,\" said Dean Smith, a forestry technician at the Goochland County office of the Virginia Department of Forestry.

When hurricanes Isabel and Gaston created floods, it was difficult for the trees to breathe because they didn\'t have smaller roots to find air pockets in the soil. Then, roots began dying, opening the door for destructive fungi and other organisms, and killing the tissue that carries water to the rest of the tree.

Finally, last month\'s 100-degree weather hit the oaks when they needed water, killing them off quickly.

The forestry department has received dozens of calls about \"hundreds of dead or dying oak trees\" in eastern Virginia.

关键词(Tags): #橡树
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