
主题:民主黨綱首納對台6項保證 -- 美国高义

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家园 民主黨綱首納對台6項保證


美国不会对台军售设定终止日期﹔(The United States would not set a date for termination of arms sales to Taiwan)

美国不会修改与台湾关系法﹔(The United States would not alter the terms of the Taiwan Relations Act)

美国对台军售之前不会征询中国意见﹔(The United States would not consult with China in advance before making decisions about United States arms sales to Taiwan)

美国并不为台湾与中国之间作调停﹔(The United States would not mediate between Taiwan and China)

美国不会改变对台湾主权的立场,认为这个问题应该由双方自行和平解决,美国不会施加压力要求台湾与中国谈判﹔及(The United States would not alter its position about the sovereignty of Taiwan which was, that the question was one to be decided peacefully by the Chinese themselves, and would not pressure Taiwan to enter into negotiations with China; and)

美国不会正式承认中国对台湾的主权。(The United States would not formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan.)


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