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家园 Stenka Razine 不屈的哥萨克,伏尔加英雄之歌

斯捷潘·拉辛Stenka Razin是17世纪下半叶沙皇俄国的哥萨克人起义领袖.他所领导的行动如同历史上多数农民起义一样充满矛盾和不足之处.1667年他起身时是盗匪,1670年发起反抗沙皇的大义名分,呼吁建立一个平等和自由的哥萨克国家.1671年被沙皇军队击败杀害.有关他个人的最流行的故事是他在伏尔加河上将一名波斯公主抛入河水.此事先后被两个荷兰人证词.1883年俄罗斯诗人Dmitry Sadovnikov的长诗Stenka Razin以史诗风格讲述这个故事.音乐家米哈伊尔·伊波利托夫-伊凡诺夫Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov为这段故事谱曲,就是目前流行的这段音乐

Volga, Volga mat' rodnaya(伏尔加,亲爱的母亲)


【From beyond the wooded island

To the river wide and free

Proudly sail the arrow-breasted

Ships of Cossack yeomanry.

On the first is Stenka Razin

With his princess by his side.

Drunk, he holds a marriage revel,

Clasping close his fair young bride

From behind there comes a murmur:

"He has left his sword to woo;

One short night and Stenka Razin

Has become a woman, too."

Stenka Razin hears the murmur

Of his discontented band

And the lovely Persian princess

He has circled with his hand.

His dark brows are drawn together

As the waves of anger rise,

And the blood comes rushing swiftly

To his piercing jet-black eyes.

"I will give you all you ask for,

Head and heart and life and hand!"

And his voice rolls out like thunder

Out across the distant land.

And she, lowering her eyes,

Not alive nor dead is she,

Silently listens to the cries

of the Ataman groggy.

"Volga, Volga, Mother Volga,

Wide and deep beneath the sun,

You have ne'er seen such a present

From the Cossacks of the Don!

“So that peace may reign for ever

In this band so free and brave,

Volga, Volga, Mother Volga,

Make this lovely girl a grave!"

Now, with one swift mighty motion

He has raised his bride on high

And has cast her where the waters

Of the Volga roll and sigh.

"Dance, you fools, and let's be merry.

What is this that's in your eyes?

Let us thunder out a chanty

To the place where beauty lies!"

From beyond the wooded island

To the river wide and free

Proudly sail the arrow-breasted

Ships of Cossack yeomanry.】



我在B站上没找到Stenka Razine。只有这个类似,俄罗斯红旗歌舞团的伏尔加英雄之歌

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