
主题:黑人从哪里来,到哪里去 -- 贼不走空

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家园 从I have a dream到When I get


When I get older I will be stronger

so many wars 战乱如此频繁

settling scores 纷争持续不断

bring us promises 他们带来承诺

leaving us poor 却只留给我们贫穷

I heard them say 我听他们说道

love is the way 爱才是解决之道

love is the answer 爱就是答案

thats what they say 他们就只是这样说说

but look how they treat us 可他们又如何对待我们

make us believers 他们让我们盲从

we fight there battles 让我们彼此争斗

then they deceive us 他们欺骗我们

try to control us 想籍此奴役我们

they couldn't hold us 可他们休想将我们束缚

cause we just move forward 因为我们勇往直前

like buffalo soldiers 有如水牛战士军团

fighting to eat 为生计而奔波


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