
主题:重磅:新冠或破坏男性生殖系统 -- 成老三

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这个说法是华中科技大学同济医院生殖医学中心李豫峰给出的,对于生殖系统损伤的描述引自南京医科大学附属苏州医院泌尿外科樊彩斌在预印本文献网站MedRxiv发表的论文ACE2 Expression in Kidney and Testis May Cause Kidney and Testis Damage After 2019-nCoV Infection




SARS-CoV is just like the ‘cousin’ of 2019 2019-nCoV and shares

the receptor ACE2 with 2019 2019-nCoV. Previous research has also investigated the possible damage of the testis in SARS patients and the effects of SARS on spermatogenesis. Their findings suggested that orchitis is a complication of SARS and that spermatogenesis could be affected after infection [20 ]. Current clinical data show that a large proportion of the novel coronavirus (2019 2019-nCoVnCoV) - infected pneumonia patients are young adults and even children, so the potential testicular damage caused by the virus may exist as a late complication. However, limited information is available regarding the involvement of reproductive organs in patients infected with 2019 nCoV. Therefore, our findings suggest that clinicians should take care of the possible occurrence of orchitis. Following Following-up and evalua tion of the reproductive functions should be done in recovered male SARS patients , especially the young male patients.


“SARS-CoV如2019年2019-nCoV的“表亲”一样具有2019 2019-nCoV的受体ACE2。先前的研究还调查了SARS患者睾丸可能受到的损害以及SARS对精子发生的影响。他们的发现表明,睾丸炎是SARS的并发症,感染后精子发生可能受到影响[20]。当前的临床数据显示,新型冠状病毒(2019 2019-nCoVnCoV)-感染的肺炎患者中有很大一部分是年轻人甚至儿童,因此该病毒引起的潜在睾丸损伤可能是晚期并发症。但是,关于受2019年nCoV感染的患者生殖器官受累的信息很少。因此,我们的发现表明临床医生应注意可能发生的睾丸炎。在康复的男性SARS患者,尤其是年轻的男性患者中,应进行随访和生殖功能评估。”



Orchitis: a complication of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).是06年北大基础医学部发的文章


In the present study, we analyzed the pathological changes of testes from six patients who died of SARS. Results suggested that SARS caused orchitis. All SARS testes displayed widespread germ cell destruction, few or no spermatozoon in the seminiferous tubule, thickened basement membrane, and leukocyte infiltration. The numbers of CD3+ T lymphocytes and CD68+ macrophages increased significantly in the interstitial tissue compared with the control group (P < 0.05). SARS viral genomic sequences were not detected in the testes by in situ hybridization. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated abundant IgG precipitation in the seminiferous epithelium of SARS testes, indicating possible immune response as the cause for the damage. Our findings indicated that orchitis is a complication of SARS. It further suggests that the reproductive functions should be followed and evaluated in recovered male SARS patients


对应于这个新闻所说,由 并不被充分证明的 “SARS造成损伤"推导出“新冠破坏男性生殖系统几成必然”,是武断的。我支持对SARS和新冠患者进行系统回访,检查各个器官的可能影响。但现在贸然发表这样断然的消息除了造成病患担心和蜂拥而至外,没有什么好处。所以还是希望科研和医疗人士能够谨言慎行。

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