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家园 脱掉鞋子,试试赤脚奔跑吧~ 我个人喜欢跑步机

Shed Your Shoes and Try Barefoot Running

下次你再外出跑步的时候,试着不穿鞋子出门吧。支持者说,这样你就能更好的行走,小腿肌肉也能变得更强壮,还有……嗯,一堆老茧。但它的优点能盖过这些老茧的。The next time you go out for a run, try leaving your shoes at home. Proponents say it'll give you a better stride, stronger calf muscles, and... well, a bunch of callouses. But the benefits will likely outweigh the callouses.

对于某些人而言,赤脚奔跑的点子看似疯狂,但是哈佛大学的丹尼尔.E.李博曼教授对【每日科学】这样讲道,这是我们的进化史中的一部分。毕竟,我们的祖先们不会穿着一双耐克去追逐野兽。在跑步的时候,也许你的脚并不如你想的那样需要很多垫子,也许这样实际上是让你的脚以一种更和谐的方式敲打着地面。The idea of running barefoot may seem crazy to some, but Harvard professor Daniel E. Lieberman tells Science Daily it's part of our evolutionary history. After all, our ancestors didn't chase down a wildebeest while wearing a pair of Nikes. Your feet may not need as much cushioning while running as you think, and may actually help your foot strike the ground in a less jarring way.

“那些奔跑时不穿鞋子的人们有着一种完全不同的行路方式”,哈佛大学人类生物进化学的教授,丹尼尔.E.李博曼教授说,他同时还是这周出现在[自然]杂志上的一篇文章的共同撰稿人之一。“赤脚跑步的人用脚掌的中间或者前面部分与地面接触,这样几乎没有冲撞冲力,冲力比大多数穿着鞋跑步以脚后跟触地的方式跑步的人要小的多。现在的大多数认为赤脚跑步是危险的,会造成伤害,但事实上你可以赤脚跑遍世界上最坚硬的路面,同时还不会感到一点点不适或疼痛。你所需要的只是一点点老茧,这样你的脚上的皮肤就不会变粗糙了。还有,这样跑步也许比穿着鞋子跑伤害更小。” 'People who don't wear shoes when they run have an astonishingly different strike, says Daniel E. Lieberman, professor of humanevolutionary biology at Harvard University and co-author of a paper appearing this week in the journal Nature. 'By landing on the middle or front of the foot, barefoot runners have almost no impact collision, much less than most shod runners generate when they heel-strike. Most people today think barefoot running is dangerous and hurts, but actually you can run barefoot on the world's hardest surfaces without the slightest discomfort and pain. All you need is a few calluses to avoid roughing up the skin of the foot. Further, it might be less injurious than the way some people run in shoes.

当然,并不是每个人都相信赤脚跑步时明智的做法。当你沿着沥青马路向前跑的时候,你要小心很多东西,玻璃,碎石,不平整的人行道,路面的裂缝等等。在草地上面跑也好不到哪里去,因为你不知道草里藏着什么,也许有更多的玻璃,瓶盖,或者是狗……你懂我的。Of course, not everyone is convinced that barefoot running is wise. You've got all kinds of things to look out for when you're bounding along on the asphalt: glass, rocks, uneven pavement, cracks, and so on. Running on grass may be no better because you never know what's hiding amid the blades: more glass, bottle caps, dog... well, you get the idea.

一些跑步者坚持穿Vibram(维布兰)为赤脚跑步设定的鞋子,但很多读者告诉我们,他们也不会放弃穿构造合理的鞋进行每天的慢跑。元芳,你怎么看?你会赤脚在街上小跑还是穿着结实的,有厚厚鞋底的鞋跑步呢?在您的评价中告诉我们您的看法。Some runners swear by Vibram barefoot running shoes, but many readers have told us they'll never give up structured shoes for their daily jog. What about you? Would you trot down the street barefoot or are you all about running with sturdy, thick-soled shoes. Let us know in the comments.

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