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主题:【原创】1931年前后日本经济简述,兼评9.18事件后果 -- 葡萄
共:💬19 🌺84 🌵1
address my conclusions based on historical facts/map.
1. If you look at the maps, you will see that Japs controlled all the railway system, as well as major cities along those railroads. The sad fact is that major rail network in Northeastern China were built with Russian and Japanese capital.
2. Zhang's family had no effective control over all 3 provinces.
9/18 以后,日本人不过是扔掉傀儡,直接单干了。从掌控铁路沿线/枢纽中心到直接控制所有地区。
GCD 脸皮也够厚的,中东路事件中竟然喊出“武装保卫USSR"的口号,任何还是中国人的人都能看得吐血。
- 相关回复 上下关系8
😄【原创】1931年前后日本经济简述,兼评9.18事件后果 37 葡萄 字0 2005-08-18 03:11:51
🙂打中国人脸的贴 2 parishg 字1216 2013-03-30 08:41:04
🙂【原创】你还是再读读史料吧 3 范进中举 字982 2013-04-08 03:18:16
🙂your answer does not
🙂【原创】那么东北军怎么会有后面的江桥抗战 3 范进中举 字861 2013-04-09 05:12:17
🙂赠花一束,但也有个细节请楼主共请注意 springisok 字626 2013-02-24 08:29:24