
主题:【原创】1931年前后日本经济简述,兼评9.18事件后果 -- 葡萄

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1. 东北军的实际有效控制区就是辽宁,满清与张氏父子早把吉林黑龙江拱手相让了:让别人在自己的国土上建铁路,并把沿线土地拱手相让。根本就已经是仍人x 的国土了。After 1905, 中国早已丧失了2.5个东北三省,吉林-哈尔滨-辽宁南部。

Also google 中东路事件,武装保卫苏联, 中东铁路 - 《中俄密约》, 南满铁路, . They formed a T-shape network and firmly controlled the economic development and NATIONAL SECURITY of Northeastern China. And those railroads were never in China's hand until 1950s. BTW, CCP has poor record on that issue, 武装保卫苏联, that's why domestic media do not want to speak out loudly.

2. According to the map above, 东北军 had no effective control over two northern provinces, as well as the main capital cities for long time. 关东军 can easily move along the railroad, accumulate effective mass of army and defeate scattered 东北军 one by one.

3. 另外,张学良在晚年采访中承认不抵抗命令是他自己发的,与蒋介石无关。maybe true, maybe not true. 另外,张学良是小鸦片鬼一个,他自称自己手下的叔叔辈将领并不听从他的指挥。So 东北军 is just a collection of warlords, not a uniformed armies with one single head.


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