
主题:茗谈(100):第二长城 -- 本嘉明

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家园 几十甚至几百颗核弹(看当量)的海下引爆都不会引发海啸


The report outlines how when a nuclear weapon goes off underwater, it produces a cavity of hot gasses, which then collapses. If the explosion happens near the surface, it can create some pretty big waves—under some circumstances, they can be hundreds of feet high near ground zero.Fortunately for the coast, these waves are fundamentally different from tsunamis. It turns out that if the waves are very large, they break early, and expend most of their energy creating a narrow surf zone on the continental shelf. This is potentially hazardous to some ships, but much less catastrophic than a direct nuclear attack. When they reached the coast, the waves would be no worse than those from a bad storm.


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