
主题:自动化的迷思 -- 晨枫

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家园 那是Elite们的一厢情愿


If it’s not solved, then in the coming decades you can expect a self-perpetuating privileged elite to accrue more and more of the wealth generated by software and robots, telling themselves that they’re carrying the entire world on their backs, Ayn Rand heroes come to life, while all the lazy jobless “takers” live off the fruits of their labor. Meanwhile, as the unemployed masses grow ever more frustrated and resentful, the Occupy protests will be a mere candle flame next to the conflagrations to come. It’s hard to see how that turns into a post-scarcity society. Something big will need to change.



you have no understanding of the American founding when you say something like

"Trouble is, America, more than any other nation, is built around the notion that all able-bodied adults should have jobs. That’s going to be a big problem."

Wrong, totally wrong! America was built around the notion that individuals make themselves, *on their own*. The country you are referring to, the one founded on the notion that able-bodied adults should have jobs, that's called Soviet Union, Mao's China, .. in other words, communism. My trouble with the left isn't that they are on the left, but that they try and paint America has having been founded with leftist principles.

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