主题:【原创】中东新变局 -- 晨枫
送花成功。恭喜:你意外获得 8 铢钱。1通宝=16铢
“安省独立!!! [论坛存档] - 华枫论坛
38 个帖子 - 22 个作者 - 2007年11月8日
安省省长向联邦要求提供城市财政援助,又一次遭到了哈婆政府的无情拒绝。 ... Quebec已经是一个国中国了,ONT也可以来一个玩玩,按照安省的实力,独立养活自己要比 ... 没错,联邦每年给魁北克的大量补贴,大头都是安省出的。”
“魁瓜2012-13财年花70B,收入69B,包括差不多17B的联邦拨款…… (301字)(正宗本山乌龙 6-25 21:28 EDT 阅读 21)
In 2012-13, the Government of Quebec will receive $17.4 billion through major transfers (Canada Health Transfer, Canada Social Transfer and Equalization) and direct targeted support – an increase of $5.3 billion from 2005-06.
安省不樂觀啊 (213字)(hero001 6-25 21:38 EDT 阅读 17)
In 2012-13, the Government of Ontario will receive $19.5 billion through major transfers (Canada Health Transfer and Canada Social Transfer) and direct targeted support – an increase of $8.4 billion from 2005-06.”
“看看数据吧,那些没有拨款的省才更叫冤。 (564字)(shenhua 6-26 10:10 EDT 阅读 11)
Quebec and Ontario will receive the most from equalization payments in the 2012-2013 year.
However, per capita, PEI benefits the most. In the 2012-2013 year, the following provinces will receive equalization payments:
Quebec ($7.391 billion)
Ontario ($3.261 billion)
Manitoba ($1.671 billion)
New Brunswick ($1.495 billion)
Nova Scotia ($1.268 billion)
Prince Edward Island ($337 million)
The following provinces will not qualify for equalization payments in 2012-2013:[4]
Newfoundland and Labrador
British Columbia”
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🙂都是你们西部炒高了加元才害惨了东部制造业的 1 forger 字62 2012-12-10 17:55:36
🙂晨大:科普也是有限度的,小花一朵 小书童 字22 2012-12-09 10:08:58
🙂原来安省魁省都是靠联邦政府养活的? 2 鳕鱼邪恶 字190 2012-12-08 18:57:57
🙂Harper政府在对华政策上还是很务实的 1 Parsifa 字305 2012-12-07 07:28:26
🙂你的最后一句值得商讨。 夜如何其 字304 2012-12-11 09:42:43
🙂Harper政府在对华政策上务实??? 鳕鱼邪恶 字144 2012-12-08 10:10:27
🙂人家明白这呢。 6 forger 字597 2012-12-03 22:25:56