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Angela Prattis, Philadelphia Woman WhoGives Free Lunch To Poor Kids, Gets Huge Fine







Every day during the summer, AngelaPrattis’ driveway turns into a dining room for 60 children desperate for ameal. But if the Philadelphia woman can’t come up with $1,000 for a permit,these hungry kids may have nowhere to turn.


The 41-year-old mother of three’s food programis funded by the state department of education and is administered by thearchdiocese of Philadelphia, which drops off the lunches, NBC 10 reports. WhilePrattis thought she had followed the proper protocol, the Chester Townshiprecently informed her that because she’s operating out of a residential area,she has to apply for a variance, which costs $1,000 for the zoning hearing.Officials also said they would fine her $600 a day until she stoppeddistributing free food, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.


“Nobody'sagainst the program,” Township Manager William Piserik, told the news outlet,“but folks don't want the program set up in the lady's front driveway."


After heeding to media pressure, thetownship withdrew the fines, but it’s still insisting that Prattis cough up thefunds for the variance, a steep expense she can’t afford, and believesshouldn’t apply to her. The do-gooder told delcotimes.com thatshe believes she should be exempt from such zoning laws because she isn’tcooking or selling food.


“We’re talkingabout children,” Prattis told NBC 10. “Children. “It’s unbelievable. They’venever once said anything to me in reference to what to do to be in the rightstanding with the township.”


Gratis meal programs like Prattis’ arecritical during the summer months when 21 million children are at risk forhunger once they lose out on their free breakfast and lunch at school.


However, Prattis refuses to give up on hermission. She plans on attending the next Chester Township Council meeting andshe will continue serving the kids that need her services, NBC 10 reports.


“I’m notstopping,” she told delcotimes.com. “These kids arehungry. I’m not tearing down the community. I’m keeping the children out ofharm’s way.”


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