
主题:【原创】德意志的天空——柏林苍穹下(下)铁幕春秋 -- 京华烟云AMIP

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家园 哪里,最近还有上色版

In 2009, several international companies were hired to colorize the series. High costs and technical difficulties resulted in the removal of much footage from the original episodes. The new version was subject for criticism upon broadcast, including for the poor quality of the new format; the Communist Party of St. Petersburg led a campaign against it.[57]


"Can you explain, Stierlitz," bellowed Müller, "why your e-mail address is '[email protected]@gru.su'?"




Ivan Zarusky that the series' influence of public opinion greatly contributed to Putin's popularity in the beginning of his term as President, since his background as the service's agent in East Germany enabled to identify him with the fictional spy; Putin continued to benefit from that also later, and remains associated with the character.[18] Catharine Nepomnyashchy also recalled the "Stierlitz phenomenon" was often mentioned by commentators during the President's first years in power.[49]

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