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32 Chinese shipsin shoal, bar Pinoy fishers

作者:福禄寿禧 发布日期:2012-05-10 浏览:加载...




原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:福禄寿禧 转载请注明出处




原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:福禄寿禧 转载请注明出处


按照本人的一贯观察,随着局势的日趋紧张,菲律宾网友的评论中的菲律宾语和全部英语大写(比如CALL IN THESENATORS WHO VOTED THE AMERICANS OUT...WHERE ARE THEY NOW)出现的频率越来越高。民族主义情绪和国内愤怒情绪逐步升高的标志。

2012年5月9日 星期三 12:21

Chinese maritimeships are denying Filipino fishermen access to their traditional fishing groundsin the lagoon of Panatag Shoal, a chain of reefs and rocks off Zambalesprovince whose ownership is being disputed by China and the Philippines even asChinese vessels were seen continuing to mass in Panatag, also known as Bajo deMasinloc and its international name, Scarborough Shoal—which China claims toown even if the shoal is 472 nautical miles from the nearest Chinese coast.According to thelocal government of Masinloc, which is only 124 nautical miles from Panatag,the town’s fishermen have reported that Chinese government vessels had blockedtheir entry to the lagoon.The military reportedthat the number of Chinese vessels in the Panatag Shoal has increased to 33,from 14 last week.The Philippines hasonly two vessels in the area. These are the BRP Edsa II, a Coast Guardsearch-and-rescue vessel (SARV 002) and the MCS 3001, a vessel belonging to theBureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources.China currently hasthree big ships in the area. These are the Chinese Fisheries Law EnforcementCommand (FLEC) 310 which is said to be its most powerful maritime ship, and theChinese Maritime Surveillance (CMS) ships 75 and 81.According to themilitary’s Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom), seven other Chinese fishing vesselsand 23 utility boats have been seen inside the lagoon.RJ Bautista,secretary to Masinloc Mayor Desiree Edora, said the Chinese maritime ships werepreventing Filipino fishermen from fishing in the lagoon.








Rich fishing grounds


The vast lagoonconstitutes rich fishing grounds for Filipino fishermen who before thestand-off with China usually stayed to fish in the area for days.

“They are stillprevented from going in (the lagoon). They can fish outside. But they arebarred inside,” Bautista told defense reporters in a phone interview.

“We were told theywere prevented by the (Chinese) Navy or Coast Guard. Our fishermen are okaywith Chinese fishermen. The problem is they have gunboats there,” he said.

Bautista said theChinese ships were positioned at the entrance to the lagoon.

“Those who want to goin are shooed away. Since they cannot understand each other, our fishermen areafraid,” he said, adding that the Chinese ships would train powerfulfloodlights on Filipino fishing boats.

Bautista said thefishermen were only recently allowed to return to the shoal, which the localsrefer to as Karburo (after the international name Scarborough Shoal) since thestand-off began last April 10.

“That’s why theircatch is not as much, unlike before,” he said.







Coast Guard helpless


The Coast Guard shipis reportedly aware of the fishermen’s plight but was not of any help.

“I think our CoastGuard was also barred from going near (the lagoon),” Bautista said, relayingreports from fishermen.

“Our fishermen aresimply told not to be afraid. But at the same time they are told not to provokeso there won’t be any confrontation,” he said.

Nolcom spokespersonCapt. Aurelio Kigis said they have no information that Filipino fishermen werebeing barred from the lagoon, and could not comment.

据称海岸警卫队对渔民的困境非常清楚,但没有提供任何帮助。Bautista 转述渔民的话说:“我认为我们的海岸警卫队也被禁止靠近(泻湖)”。



War of words so far


The Panatag Shoalincident started last April 8 when the Philippine Navy on a routine sovereigntypatrol spotted eight Chinese fishing vessels moored inside the shoal. Navypersonnel boarded the vessels and discovered on board illegally obtainedendangered turtles, baby sharks, giant clams and a large amount of corals.

The Navy dispatchedits only warship, the BRP Gregorio del Pilar, to the area on April 10 butbefore the ship could tow the poachers to the nearest police station, twoChinese maritime ships arrived and blocked their arrest.

The stand-off at Panataghas so far been accompanied only by a war of words.

The Philippinesmaintains that Bajo de Masinloc, described as a ring-shaped coral reef, whichhas several rocks encircling a lagoon in the West Philippine Sea, is about 124nautical mile (220 km) from the nearest coast of Luzon and well within the Philippines’ 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) andcontinental shelf under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(Unclos).

It said the shoal isan integral part of Philippine territory, a part of the municipality ofMasinloc, Zambales. It said the shoal is also not part of the Spratlys, thechain of islets and atolls to its south that is claimed in whole or in part byChina, Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

The government saidthe actions of the Chinese fishing vessels were a serious violation of thePhilippine sovereignty and maritime jurisdiction. The poaching of endangeredmarine resources violoated the Fisheries Code and the Convention onInternational Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), itsaid.







Relative ships’ positions


The Nolcom said thatas of Sunday, May 6, the BRP Edsa II was 7.1 nautical miles southeast offPanatag Shoal.

The Coast Guardvessel has moved farther by 5.7 nautical miles southeast from its previousposition last week which was 1.4 nautical miles northeast off South Rock, arock feature of Panatag Shoal.

The MCS 3001 is 1.6nautical miles northeast off South Rock.

Meanwhile, theChinese CMS 75 is 3.5 nautical miles southeast off North Rock, another Panatagrock feature, and a distance of 8.1 nautical miles northeast from BRP Edsa II.

The CMS 81 is 1.04nautical miles southeast off North Rock and a distance of 8.1 nautical milesnortheast from BRP Edsa II.

The FLEC 310 is 8.4nautical miles southeast off North Rock and a distance of 7.5 nautical milesfrom BRP Edsa II.




海岸警卫队船只上周的位置是在黄岩岛一个标志性礁盘“南岩” 东北方向1.4海里处,现在该船沿东南方向往外移动5.7海里。





2nd cutter for Navy


Vice Adm. AlexanderPama, Philippine Navy Flag Officer in Command, said a second US Coast Guardcutter that the Navy has acquired, will be arriving in the country in November.

The Hamilton-classcutter will be officially turned over to the Navy on May 23, following whichthe training of Filipino crew and adjustments to the vessel will follow, Pamasaid.

He said thegovernment will be spending about the same amount it spent for the first USCoast Guard cutter that it acquired, which has been renamed the BRP Gregoriodel Pilar.

Pama said last yearthat P400 million was spent for the training and refurbishment of the BRPGregorio del Pilar.






原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:福禄寿禧 转载请注明出处



Reality finallycatches up on the sea front. The chinese are in control of the Scarboroughshoal without firing a shot and now Filipino ships are not allowed to fishthere. The coast guard can't do anything, so it means . . . . . . God help thePhilippines.



pina alis nyo kasiUS bases, yan ang nangyari



Sherwin Abad

hahay there'snothing we can do about it.



Sadly its true. Aside from marching and salute, what elsedoes the PMA teach? Much of their graduates are politically inclined, some arecorruptly inclined, now where are those who were trained to protect thesovereignity of the Philippines?



32 ships...isn'tthat an invading armada already?



The chineseinvaded the shoal? No problem it has already invaded the Philippines a longtime ago....the center of government...Mall of Asia. Chinese domestic carrierare PAL and Cebu Pacific..Banks includes PNB, Banco de Oro, Metrobank andothers. In this country, the chinese rocks!!!

中国入侵黄岩岛?没关系,他们早就侵入菲律宾了……政府核心……亚洲市场。华裔的公司在航空方面有菲律宾航空和宿务太平洋航空(译注:菲国内第一和第二大)……银行方面则有菲律宾国际银行、 Banco de Oro、Metrobank(译注:最后两个分别为全国第二和第一大)和其他几个。在这个国家,华人是老大!!!


As I had posted before, the Tisnoys hold 85% of this nationsequity and that’s how they bought Baguio and turned the pine-city the new"Hong Kong" of the Philippines while many native Igorots are sellingstrawberries rather than sweaters. If you know, what I mean.


igo_roWhich organizationI can send my contribution for the fund of national defense? Nasaan na ang perana pinagbilhan ng mga military bases?I'm an OFW and Ifeel hurt knowing my country always rely on his people which are working asslaves for other nations.




That is a good point you have there, money generated fromthe military bases in the past, present, and future should be used formaintaining and upgrading Phil. defenses. Now where can I send my contributiontoo for national defense fund?



Filipino fishermenare barred from the shoals. What does that mean? Kanila na yong shoal?

All we do is talk.In the meantime, the Chinese are increasing their presence in the disputedareas. Ayayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!



ricardo ricafort

Then the moreclear violations that these Chinese are doing. Let us submit thesedocuments against them as soon as possible to international courts especiallyin the UN where they have really violated the law. Recently, some Chinesewere caught by South Korea for illegal fishing in their vicinity, within their200 mile EEZ. Our inabilities to arrest these Chinese due to theirnumbers and military advancement, present a clear abuse, harassment andexploitation by them.

We have to believe in the rule of law. We are living in civilized worldand thus our best weapon is our civility and intelligence. In the end,just believe Pinoys, the rule of law will reign above all these. Asides,God always is in favor of those who were oppressed. He will not abandonus.

Remember that inhistory, those who are mighty evil do reigned for a moment. But in theend, they were defeated and punished. The Japanese, the Germans, allbelieved no one can defeat them during World War II. They did kill a lotof civilians. Now, they have learned their lessons. These Chinesethought that they are the new conquerors just because they have gained a lot intheir economy. But watch out, their economy will collapse soon and theywill be going back to the time where their products are as cheap as theirfeces.







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