
主题:【讨论】美国人又开始打脸了,纽约时报的新文章。 -- dejawu

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家园 【讨论】美国人又开始打脸了,纽约时报的新文章。


Mr. Reed, who dined with Mr. Heywood days before his death, said Mr. Heywood told him he had not seen Bo Xilai for about a year, and had only occasional contact with Bo Guagua, who is now a graduate student at Harvard. He said someone in Bo Xilai’s inner circle had become suspicious of Mr. Heywood’s influence with Mr. Bo, then party secretary of Chongqing, and had driven a wedge between them.


Mr. Heywood said the rift with such a powerful family had, at one point, caused him concern about his safety, even leading him to consider leaving China with his wife and children. But those worries seemed to have receded, Mr. Reed said, and Mr. Heywood appeared to have moved on to a life that no longer involved the Bo family.

bo一家疏离了与Heywood的关系,并没有给Heywood带来什么危险。(评论:一个可能,Heywood确被谋杀,但是bo的对手,cia, mi6都有嫌疑)

According to one account, Mr. Wang was summoned to Beijing to give evidence against Mr. Bo that was then leaked or disclosed to Mr. Bo. That may have been what set off a high-stakes vendetta between the two men and Mr. Wang’s decision to seek refuge in an American consulate about 200 miles from Chongqing in early February, bearing information on the investigation into Mr. Heywood’s death — and the sensational accusations that Ms. Gu had plotted to poison him.



2. 作为报复,b将w解职。如果做一个推演,b妻真做了案,b这样做,合理吗?

3. w手里的材料,是什么材料,谁给他的,w真心相信?






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