主题:美国审判揭露美军滥杀平民的良心军人“泄露国家机密”罪 -- 唵啊吽
Under § 501 of the Smith–Mundt Act of 1948, the Voice of America is forbidden to broadcast directly to American citizens.[34] The intent of the legislation is to protect the American public from propaganda actions by its own government.[35] Although VOA does not broadcast domestically, Americans can access the programs through shortwave and streaming audio over the Internet.
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😜更讽刺的是维基解密,最初启动资金也来自美国纳税人的钱 3 goodgunner 字66 2011-12-20 00:09:15
😄VOA的主页在美国能看到, 能看不能听? 为中华之崛起 字0 2011-12-19 22:07:30
🙂禁止美国国内传播 8 唵啊吽 字342 2011-12-19 22:36:04
🙂48年立的法,网上直播也就是这两年的事情 4 uphere 字46 2011-12-20 08:29:08
🙂你要体谅那位仁兄,人家是加拿大人 1 西海豚 字52 2011-12-20 00:46:56
🙂请问有出处吗 成奎花 字9 2011-12-19 21:54:20
🙂网上有 唵啊吽 字108 2011-12-19 22:32:42