
主题:【整理】中国政府给洋人老爷 送钱了 -- parishg

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家园 there is no need to be so

sarcastic. I just find it very weird that China can be so generous. Europe owed money to States during WWI and paid dearly for all the debts. I just can not believe that Chinese do not leverage their sacred power as a creditor.

I mainly short against certain sectors in States and Europe because I can easily read their disclosed annual reports and smell all kinds of problems. I do short China ADRs, because some F-1 IPO filings just smell shitty--the numbers do not make sense.

要不要和河里玩钱的朋友们交流一下?--I posted first post on shorting Euroland in April 2010. Why do not you just read them by yourself rather than being so sarcastic?

Let's ignore each other.

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