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家园 再震消息真给力,这个也挺给力美利坚被影响地区人民号召反抗

政府的欺骗和蒙蔽,号召起来。美利坚被辐射影响地区有些人很不淡定嘛!有的谴责封锁消息,双重标准!有的表示对政府的谎言早已厌倦,还出现了美利坚的两个人Victor Chen&Broad Wu,竟然要求二次霉国革命啊!

Nick April 10, 2011 at 11:53 pm Reply

This is the worst Nuclear Catastrophe in the World. Everyone jumped all over Russia for their failure to quickly admit to the world the details of the crisis at Chernobyl. But now that the shoe is on the other foot, what do we see? Denials, gross underreporting of the true extent of this crisis and politically motivated increases in the levels of radiation deemed acceptable. In Canada and the US many radiation monitoring stations have been shut down just to keep us in the dark about this. The Fukushima plant is located on the Eastern Coast of Japan and the Trade Winds are blowing huge amounts of this radioactive material over Western Canada and the Western US. The levels may drop as the winds cross over North America and precipitation carries the radioactive particles down to the ground. “Nuclear power plants present a hazard to the health and safety of the public because they are subject to accident, such as an explosion, in which harmful substances called radioactivity could be released to the atmosphere as dust and expose a large population to lethal or injurious radiation.” Some of the most dangerous substances are: Cesium-137, Strontium-90 and Plutonium, the most toxic substance known by far. A millionth of a gram of Plutonium ingested can kill. The situation at Fukushima is the worst ever! The temperatures are so hot that they can not even pour cement over it to seal off the radiation as the Russians were able to do. The Head of Tepco is supposedly sick and in a Hospital in Argentina. Curiously that is a place where the winds do not carry the contamination to.

tired of lies

April 11, 2011 at 1:49 am Reply

Sure our govt. lies. Psycopaths are in control. Why do the sheep keep electing these nutters? Why do they keep believing the lies?

I think you all had better start praying for once. God says he will heal the land if his people will repent and turn from sin. It is never too late with God.

I have small children. I am very sad this poison is still billowing into the earth for them to live with. All because mega-corp GE and others wanted to sell something and cut costs while doing it.

We know who the criminals are, but we always let them get away. Unlike Hollywood, real life seems to have a dark ending when God is not there.

o STI18 (美利坚版Victor Chen)

April 11, 2011 at 3:45 am Reply

Kay, I understand what you are saying, but:

Its “as innocent as doves” not harmless. There is a big difference. Jesus made a whip, and drove the “bankers” out of the temple. He also stated a need for a sword.

He took action. And was not passive. Ecclesiastes 3:3 clearly states there is a time for War, and a time to Kill.

You see God is not going to save you. God never saves anyone, but offers them a way out, if they take action.

Jericho did not fall because the Soldiers did nothing and let God fight the battle for them as well. They had to march around the entire city 7 times, blowing trumpets before the wall came down.

Sitting in your home and praying is not going to help you. God helps those that help themselves and take action.

Faiths definition is the believe in the thing unseen, which has nothing to do with helping yourself, and bettering your situation. Faith would be the premise and foundation in which you would use to better your situation, not the activity used to replace such initiative and action.

And one more thing. The Government wanting us NOT to revolt, or stand up, that is the last thing they want. It would take 20 Million Soldiers; at least, to squash an American rebellion. They dont have those numbers, stop being such a coward in this regard.

Ionize (美利坚版Broad Wu)

April 11, 2011 at 4:02 am Reply

We must take back control of our US government. It is time for the Second American Revolution.


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