
主题:土共这次开了一个很恶劣的先例 -- 老广

共:💬2019 🌺16554 🌵113
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家园 thumbs up, 中国远征军

a recent popular TV series back in China.

Chinese people keep on talk about it is a "anti-Jap" glorious adventure. But I have an inevitable question here: as a sovereign nation, did Burma ever INVITE Chinese to send their army into Burma?

The answer is no. That's why KMT armies were often misguided or attacked by local Burmese.

Effectively, Chinese armies were helping British colonists to maintain their bloody rule in Burma. And Jap were, at that time, a liberator against Chinese invaders...

我们干涉别国内政还少吗?Most Chinese here are so short-sighted.

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