
主题:An email from a Jap. -- SERCA

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家园 An email from a Jap.

This email is from a Jap. postdoc at U.S.


I would like to resume my research issue, although the tragedy still continues. It should be important for me to dedicate to science and medicine more seriously for future.

I really appreciate my colleagues in the lab for having expressed me condolence.

Second, I heartily express my appreciation for US troop is treating one of the severe damaged nuclear reactors.

Tsunami was an act of God, but nuclear disaster is man-made.

I hope if you could know about the hidden facts, because you are my dear colleagues.

Nuclear electric plant was a money tree, because competitive bidding was not necessary; SAFETY was slogan.

More than 99% of people rejected nuclear system because the system is too dangerous for an earthquake country, but protestations were decayed by the all the efforts by the conglomerate of Japanese bureaucrat, mass communications, and financial circles (Tokyo Electric Company (the largest electric company in the world), Toshiba, Hitachi, Mitsubishi etc.)

Around nuclear interests, there were a lot of assassinations.

At the end, in Japan, we have 59 nuclear plants in very small country. Shame …

The third nuclear reactor of Fukushima Daiichi uses Plutonium (a half life; 24,100 years). The installation of this ferocious element started from two years ago. Ex-governor of Fukushima Prefecture refused to install the mixture of Uranium and Plutonium; he was put into a false charge by bureaucrat, and new governor … nephew of one of bosses of nuclear plant interest took a sheet with their money, and he permitted charging the Plutonium amalgam. Plutonium was purchased from UK, extracted from nuclear weapon.

It is well known, some nuclear plants in Japan were built with false calculation of earthquake-attack power evaluation. But almost all the people did not want to lose a delicious financial deal, they ignored the lie.

As all the lab members realize, Japanese government never inform the truth to the people plus foreign countries. The situation is very similar of that of World War II. Bureaucrats consider themselves as omnipotent, and once the real world stands in front of them, they tell a lie or ignore at the best.

Do you know, as soon as the earthquake hit, US government suggested that the injection of boric acid, strong suppressor of atomic fission, into Fukushima Daiichi reactors. But, Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Company rejected it, because once the inject boric acid the system should be decayed forever; they took a financial interest than people.

Do you know, US army Tokyo base despatched the pumping car to Fukushima Daiichi, but they refused the help, because they wanted to conceal the severe situation to the people.

In real fact, beside Fukushima Daiichi, 2 more nuclear plants, each has more than 4 nuclear reactors, seems to be into the process to meltdown, but the government closed web-site indicating data from radiation measurement stations around the plants.

Many Japanese people still believe the problem occurs within a radius of 15 miles!!! It is very sad, in Japanese culture the doubt recognize as vice. More than 10 million people stay in Tokyo, 200 miles far from Fukushma Daiichi. They still go to their work places everyday, nevertheless yesterday radiation isotope of Cesium and Iodine were observed in Tokyo; at the same period, the prime minister announced “ SAFE, worst point passed, etc …”. According to my sister, in Tokyo, now there are no gas, no bottle water, no food, very limited transportation. I believe the biggest tragedy will start within 5 days.

I strongly asked my parents and my sister family including her 4 year girl to evacuate from Tokyo. They did not believe what I said for 3 days, but 8 hours ago my sister realized the situation and now all the family members moved to West side of Japan.

Japanese has forgotten the world of Michael Ende. In Japan, at least in social situation, MONEY is God after 1980’. I was really distressed between 18 year old to 24 year old … My experience of the stay in Brazil for 4 years between 11 yo to 15 yo interrogated me what is real situation in Japan. At that time, a book “Japan as No 1” was published, but for me, majority people were poisoned by money. I myself climbed toward the summit of Japanese bureaucrat hierarchy at that time; after graduated the top high school in Japan (the school called “a gateway to power), I enrolled into Tokyo University. There, I found, too many colleagues lacked sympathy to neighbors/ nature / God. More than 1/2 people did cheating in exam. I could not find the answer if I could join into their loop, then dropped out from Univ. For 3 years I only did read literatures (in Japanese translation version), including Homer, promise commitment, Kant, Greece classics, Pascal, 易教、春秋、大学、論語、史記, A part of Mahabharata (we have no complete Japanese version at least at that time), etc.

Then I decided to become a doctor.

Within a few years, Japan will become one of the poor countries in Asian Pacific. But I am glad that the people realize the value of sympathy, life, time, and friendship. Why my family stay in this safe place?…. Two young sons and I, my wife have some kind of beruf, I believe.

Soon I have to see more big tragedy … I am really sad… but I have to step forward for me, my sons, and Japanese people. I really appreciate your help. I plan to publish two major papers soon.

Thank you for reading such a long, private sentences.


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