
主题:不会吧,这主意谁出的,真是在白宫? -- 黄河故人

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家园 key point.

no matter whatever you say or do, American media will not be lenient to China any more. IT IS A CHOICE OUT OF NATIONAL SECURITY OR LONG TERM STRATEGY, a rational decision.

China has jumped into a potential challenger to America,both economically and militarily. America did not even tolerate its British cousins to compete with it after WWII and kicked out Pound from the reserve status, let alone bunch of "yellow monkeys", right? hehe. No offense. I am Chinese too.

In the early 1980s when U.S. and China were still in honeymoon period against their common enemy:USSR. U.S. media focused exclusively on the positive sides of China.

I do believe the human rights in China were even worse in early 1980s than now. But American media did not give a shit then and put way too much positive coverage on China.

Why: because China was then a close American ally. Roosevelt once said of one dictator in one banana republic in mid-America: he is a bastard, but he is OUR BASTARD.

Thus, this bloody dictator became friend of democracy and freedom fighter, in American media or in the mouth of vice-president (nixon) or other congress leaders.

Check history of Chili and Guatemala, then you understand what I mean.

Politicians are all liars.

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