
主题:【新闻】中国将超过美国成最大消费国 -- Davi

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家园 同学,日常观察是会骗人的啊。。实际是美国四成的食物被浪费


The food not eaten - Food waste: out of sight, out of mind


More than 40 percent of all food produced in America is not eaten, according to research by former University of Arizona anthropologist Timothy Jones. That amounts to more than 29 million tons of food waste each year, or enough to fill the Rose Bowl every three days. Nationwide, food scraps make up 17 percent of what we send to landfills.


This waste often goes undetected. “I think that without a doubt, when people say that they don’t waste food, they believe it. There’s a huge disconnect,” says William Rathje, a Stanford archaeologist who ran the University of Arizona Garbage Project for years. “People don’t pay attention to their food waste because it goes straight into the garbage or disposal. It’s not like newspapers that stack up in the garage.”


We live in a culture of excess, and food is no exception. The average American wastes more than half a pound of food per day. I’m no mathematical whiz, but that would be a whole Quarter Pounder at lunch and dinner. When you count what’s put down the disposal, 25 percent of what enters our homes is not eaten, Rathje reports.


Financially, wasted food costs America more than $100 billion annually, says the University of Arizona’s Jones. (The USDA’s most recent estimate on the cost of food waste — $96 billion — is 10 years old.) Closer to home, the average four-person household wastes about $600 of food each year.


Despite — or perhaps because of — the quality of Sloppy Joes, kids waste about $2 billion of taxpayer dollars through the National School Lunch Program. And the majority of cafeteria managers surveyed by the General Accounting Office felt that packed lunches accounted for at least the same amount of waste as school-provided lunches.


If food is cheap, why is it bad to waste it?

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