
主题:德国佬胆儿够肥的 -- 晨枫

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家园 这个网页下面的回复有几个有点意思



How about a patch with a stripper on a pole that reads 'Equal Rights for Women'? Or a patch of with a picture of a bomb strapped to a chest that reads '72 Virgins Await You'? It would seem they would be equally offensive and still get the point across that we, as Americans, think we are better than anyone who disagrees with us (as evidenced by the bickering above).

I think your posts are lost on the foot soldiers who feel entitled to their racism because they are in harms way and have lost friends in the fight. They didn't join the military to make the world a better place. Most of them joined to escape bad situations at home or had no other options. They don't understand 'hearts and minds'. They only understands 'asses on the line'. So don't bicker with them. Commanders in the field look at these patches and laugh at the soldiers wearing them. These are the guys who become targets of the Taliban. It's like putting a bulls eye on your uniform. As a former marine, I would prefer to be in a unit with these guys. I know the bad guys aren't aiming at me.

If you want a 'cool' patch, how about two hands shaking that reads 'We are only here as long as we have to be'. Or even, 'I don't want to be here either'. Or a patch that has the McDonald's arches on it that reads 'Can't wait to get home'. Those guys don't want to be there. Give em a break. You don't cure stupidity by arguing with it. Just welcome them home and be grateful we exported our idiots for a short time. America should have the motto 'America: Sharing our Idiocy with the World'. Or 'America: We may be stupid, but we have better guns'.


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