
主题:【原创】飞腾的火焰-萨珊波斯四百年(不定期填坑) -- 赫克托尔

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Zanzibar是波斯文,由 Zangi 和 bar 组成,前者意为黑人,引申为黑奴, bar 意为海岸。阿巴斯王朝的黑人奴隶起义,就是 Zangi 起义,也叫赞吉起义。两河下游多湖泊、沼泽和盐碱地,黑奴在这里从事排干沼泽和晒盐劳作。


In the 1690s Saif bin Sultan, the imam of Oman, pressed down the East African coast. A major obstacle was Fort Jesus, housing the garrison of a Portuguese settlement at Mombasa(蒙巴萨,肯尼亚境内). After a two-year siege, it fell to Saif in 1698. Thereafter the Omanis easily ejected the Portuguese from Zanzibar and from all other coastal regions north of Mozambique(莫桑比克). Zanzibar was a valuable property as the main slave market of the east African coast, and became an increasingly important part of the Omani empire, a fact reflected by the decision of the greatest 19th century sultan of Oman, Sa'id ibn Sultan, to make it from 1837 his main place of residence. Sa'id built impressive palaces and gardens in Zanzibar. Rivalry between his two sons was resolved, with the help of forceful British diplomacy, when one of them, Majid, succeeded to Zanzibar and to the many regions claimed by the family on the East African coast. The other, Thuwaini, inherited Muscat(马斯喀特,现在的阿曼首都) and Oman.


In 1783, Oman's Saiad Sultan, defeated ruler of Muscat, was granted sovereignty over Gwadar. He was to continue this sovereignty via an appointed wali (or "governor"), after regaining control of Muscat and maintained close relations with the Emirs of Sindh(信德,巴基斯坦印度河口一带). The Sultans of Muscat retained sovereignty over Gwadar until the 1950s. In 1955 Makran(马克兰,食鱼者之地,伊朗巴基斯坦交界的沿海地带,我的文中提到过) acceded to Pakistan and was made a district – although Gwadar, at the time, was not included in Makran. In 1958, Gwadar and its surrounding areas were returned by Muscat to Pakistan, and were given the status of Tahsil of Makran district




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