
主题:美股杂谈 -- 大山猫

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家园 the whole bull market is

driven by Fed Reserve. Not just in the U.S. equity market, but also in Asia and Europe.

We smart shorts lose money to Fed, and fundamentals are slowly turning worse, in our favor.

The peak will take time to see. I bet Nov 2 as the watershed, because the Tea Party and Republicans will win big. Did you watch the newly released documentary: I want your money? Big money all shifted to the opposition now. Obama has lost support of all kinds of big money, even including some of the medium-sized firms.

In 2011, America will enter involuntary contraction due to an unfriendly business community (holding cash, holding back capital expenditure, the current mortgage freeze), tax break expiration and political deadlock of getting any new stimulus plan.

Obama is already a lame duck and laughing stock for both the business community, powerful banking elites as well as other global leaders.

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