
主题:最高领导人下令通讯工具和社交网站须受监听。土鳖太可恶了。 -- 红霄帐底

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家园 一个美国人的评论


Seems to me that your own government is terrorizing you more than the actual terrorists are.

You get a cavity search each and every time you board a plane (illegal search because there is no just cause to search you). You can get arrested, without cause, and never see the light of day again. You are being spied upon by god only knows how many US spy agencies and intimidated by armed-to-the-hilt "security personnel" that are permeate your society.

When I read about past times and events I always wonder, "Why were the ones who could have prevented any and all of the atrocities complicit?" So, I wonder, why is the press in the US, your congress men and women complicit? Why are the citizens of this country complicit? Because the terrorists don't scare me, however a fascist nuclear superpower, now that gives me pause. Seems to me, the United States must find a new moniker, because you are neither the land of the free, nor the brave.


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