
主题:干通讯的,进来一起驳一个伪科普yy -- phjhuan

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家园 我在wiki上粗略查了一下。觉得没问题。

美女搞的是跳频广谱无线制导.正好是用来解决你提到的“接收方经常使用这样的对策:对无线电信号进行干扰”. 跳频让你抓不到,广谱让你无法全频道压制。 这个发明没进入实用不证明没有,也不证明不可行。 1962年美国用了,虽然那时候专利已经过期,但足以证明美女专利的有效性。

Together, Antheil and Lamarr submitted the idea of a secret communication system in June 1941. On August 11, 1942, U.S. Patent 2,292,387 was granted to Antheil and "Hedy Kiesler Markey", Lamarr's married name at the time. This early version of frequency hopping used a piano roll to change between 88 frequencies and was intended to make radio-guided torpedoes harder for enemies to detect or jam.

The idea was not implemented in the USA until 1962, when it was used by U.S. military ships during a blockade of Cuba[6] after the patent had expired

“从历史上,过去,现在都没有所谓无线电制导的鱼雷” 这个判断不好确认,但就算属实,不能证明没有无线制导鱼雷的实验。 你列举的技术困难是指水对无线电波的阻碍作用。 但是 1. 对定深浅(3~10m)的鱼雷,这个困难不一定大。 2. 长波制导不可行,不能证明没其它方式绕过这个困难。 比方说鱼雷可以拖个小浮标天线嘛。 3.记录证明这类实验存在过,美女的发明被应用过。


Though Lupis' original design had been rope guided, torpedoes were not wire-guided until the 1960s. During the Second World War, the U.S. experimented with frequency hopping radio controlled torpedoes using matching pairs of punched card rolls based on those of player pianos.

最后好像是干通讯的人自己把美女的发明挖出来,供成先驱的, 手机还是别的什么发明多少周年时,网站,杂志上到处都是这美女照片,不乏正经刊物。 不过这个不算证据,算八卦。

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