
主题:内贾德的口才真好。拉里金……不说也罢 -- box

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家园 最后一段最精彩。完全是以子之矛攻子之盾!


  AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Aside related to the Zionist regime issue this news -- Mr. Castro sent a message to me yesterday and said it was untrue, this statement, that his statements were interpreted differently, that he had said something different. So I have no opinion here on this statement。

  But I'd like to ask why is there so much insistence in the United States to absolutely defend the Zionist regime? What is the relationship between the U.S. government, 10,000 kilometer across the ocean from the Zionist regime, and the need to support it?



  KING: Because a massive group of people were annihilated just for being what they were. Seven Million were killed, eight million. So as a humanitarian country, we care about this. And many Jews came here to live. And many Jews created a country in Israel and wanted to live in peace。

  Don't you -- now, Castro did say you should recognize anti- Semitism exists in the world, and we all should be concerned about it。


  AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Is that the real issue, that the U.S. government wants to defend human rights?


  KING: Of course。


  AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Where were these people killed? Were they killed in Palestine? By the hands of Palestinians?


  KING: It doesn't matter where they were killed, it's the fact that they were killed。


  AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Oh. Then it's all right for a million Iraqi people to be killed and then, would it be OK if they decided to come and occupy the United States? They were killed in Iraq. Would you allow them to come occupy the United States?


  KING: You're not saying the United States committed genocide? You're saying the United States committed genocide?



  AHMADINEJAD (through translator): That's a separate discussion. And, yes, it did happen in both Iraq and Afghanistan. But that's a separate issue. I like to ask you, if in a country someone's rights are violated, they're oppressed, assuming that your assumption, your statement is correct, does that imply that they can go and occupy another land? Is there any logic in that? If we were to follow that logic, will there be any security left in the world?

  In World War II, 100 million -- or 80 million people were killed. If they were to go occupy 20 countries around the world, that would have been terrible。


  KING: Israel is a legal state。


  AHMADINEJAD (through translator): The question is -- come on. The question -- you just said yourself it's over the Holocaust. Why are you changing your statement?


  KING: You were saying --


  AHMADINEJAD (through translator): My question is what are the interests of the United States to -- in absolutely defending them. There are many parts of the world where human rights are violated. Do you know how many American Indians were killed? Do you know or not?


  KING: I know. We're out of time。


  AHMADINEJAD (through translator): You're a reporter. You should have the answers to these。


  KING: We're out of time. We'll pick this up next year with the president of Iran. I'm Larry King. Don't go away。

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