
主题:吴建民教育大家:不要被看来很爱国的言行所忽悠 -- 果酱

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家园 吴院长太不普世了。


"This is an important and needed book. The case made by Boldrin and Levine against giving excessive monopoly rights to intellectual property is a convincing one. Monopoly in intellectual property impedes the development of useful knowledge. I think they make the case that granting these monopoly rights slows innovation." - Edward C. Prescott, Nobel Laureate, University of Minnesota

"Boldrin and Levine present a powerful argument that intellectual property rights as they have evolved are detrimental to efficient economic organization." - Douglass C. North, Nobel Laureate, Washington University in St. Louis

看看一堆精英学者是如何评论这本书的:Against Intellectual Monopoly

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