
主题:郑钱花 - 孩奴之歌 -- vanzolo

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家园 it is an honest warning.

China's gov. is supposed to be of the people, for the people and by the people. But today's reality is too sarcastic.

US/Canadian gov. both adopted policies (such as Fannie/Freddie, interest deduction, CMHC) to help their own nationals to afford housing ownership. A rational gov. should adopt a policy to CHEAPEN housing ownership, not to make it EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE.

2.1.6 引发“仇恨”对立,引发种族、地域矛盾等

--I do not hate anybody, because my life is much easier and comfortable, outside China. I have properties in both US and Canada. BTW, There is no racial comment involved in my post, and I have no comments against any region inside China.

2.1.3 恶意灌水影响版面,及违反专版专用原则

--there is no malice involved. This is totally a ridiculous comment.

SOME DOMESTIC 五毛 JUST HATE PEOPLE TO SPEAK THE TRUTH. You can shut off domestic chinese, can you really shut off freedom of speech among overseas Chinese???

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