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Germany shuts down Wikileaks http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1137337/germany-shuts-wikileaks

THE IDEA that whistleblowers exposing Australia's great rabbit-proof fence of Internet censorship might be okay if they publish their results overseas has been dealt a blow.

German coppers have raided the offices of Wikileaks.de and transferred the control of the domain to government authorities. The raid was triggered by WikiLeaks' publication of Australia's proposed secret Internet censorship list.

The list showed that far from censoring kiddie porn sites, the list also included many tame sites that were opposed to Aussie government policy. The publication of the list probably means that the great rabbit-proof fence plan will no longer enjoy much parliamentary support.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) told Aussie hacks that they did not ask the German plod to do anything. So why did the Germans feel the need to do anything?

According to Wikileaks, it was because the Germans are working on their own Internet black list and they don't want any German whistlebowers doing the same thing to them.

However the German coppers have been a bit embarrassed by the raids. Inspector Hans Knacker of the Berlin Yard told Der Spiegel that they had no idea that Wikileaks was an international press organisation.

However they still have not given the outfit its website back. The German police seem to think it's alright to shut down a newspaper provided it is online rather than printed in ink on paper.

Currently Germany and China are the only two countries that are censoring a WikiLeaks domain. We guess that if Germany goes down this censorship route Wikileaks will not be the last news agency or publication that will be banned for writing things that the government prefers not be reported.

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