
主题:【纪念抗美援朝六十周年】血斗种子山 一 -- 萨苏

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家园 you need to understand life

is precious and priceless. You can recreate 5% GDP later, but you can not create life again, esp., those innocent people who are accused of non-committed crime and killed through the legal system.

800 years ago, Britons have already solemnly stipulated the "due procedure" principles in their magna carta. I guess by now, civilized Chinese should reach consensus and show due respect to "due procedure" and human lives.

不要说如果建国的时候拿5% GDP搞美国式司法建设,老百姓不答应这样的资源浪费,就算学成了美国,就是我们想要的吗?

--there is no free voting in China, so you never know. 老百姓不答应--that's your speculation, it is not an outcome from democratic voting.

If China's gov. keeps on comparing itself to KMT's historical record, to be frank, in today's China, you will lose more support among average Chinese.

People are voting with their feet. You can just google yourselves.

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