主题:临时抱佛脚:抗美援朝英文求助 -- 达雅
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美军登陆仁川 US forces landed at Inchon
抗美援朝 The war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea; the movement to resist U.S. agression and aid Korea
下面的内容分别是用Korean War和Korean Conflict在“有道词典”里查询时列出的例句。我粗略读了一些,感觉像是先引用英文原文,然后翻译成中文的。但有些句子的翻译实在没法看,老兄勉强参考一下吧。我等一下试试看能不能修改一下明显的翻译错误。
Korean War:
Outbreak of Korean War.
Some Americans did underestimated them in Korean war.
Servo was swamped with rush order for the Korean war.
The question sparks an anecdote about the Korean war.
Kim's parents were born in the North and fled the country during the Korean War.
Chairman Mao's oldest son died at age 28 in a bombing raid in the Korean War in 1950.
Bob Hope traveled to the troops in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Persian Gulf War.
It is only the second summit between the divided Koreas since a truce ended the Korean War in 1953.
Pyongyang has since vowed to ignore the 1953 armistice signed with South Korea after the Korean war.
If that was the lesson of the Korean War, did subsequent American presidents learn from that lesson?
Subsequently, the DPRK Government announced the Korean War Armistice Agreement signed in 1953 now void.
The Korean War – which started almost a year after the beginning of Project BUUEBIRD – was influential.
The body of this Korean War veteran was on slab of wood in the middle of the rubble that was once his house.
When Harry Truman seized steel mills in 1952, at least he had the excuse of having the Korean War to prosecute.
On the other hand, unemployment is expected to rise everywhere, to the highest level known since the Korean war.
Lin Xianrong. ″Cognition Variation of Literary Works on Korean War.″ Literature of the Subsection. Seoul: Taixue Society, 1992.
Kaufmann, Burton I. The Korean War: Challenges in Crisis, Credibility, and Command. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986.
After Korean War, the Korean Peninsula splits up into the Democratic Republic of Korea and Rep. of Korea, until now has not unified.
Most Chinese historians now assert, and most Western historians are now ready to believe, that China entered the Korean War reluctantly.
Ban described himself as a child of the Korean War, and recalled his youth in South Korea under the constant threat of a nuclear winter.
Throughout more than three decades at the top of AIG, Mr Greenberg, a D-Day and Korean war veteran, showed an uncompromising desire to be first.
The Chinese revolution, coupled with the outbreak of the Korean War, pitted China against the United States and led to a diplomatic freeze until 1979.
The two nations were on opposite sides in the 1950-1953 Korean War and had no regular contacts before a 1994 crisis over North Korea's nuclear program.
The two countries have technically remained in a state of war since the Korean War ended in 1953, although relations have warmed somewhat in the last eight years.
The basic premise of the book The Manchurian Candidate [1] is that a group of American POWs in the Korean War is brainwashed while crossing through Manchuria to freedom.
The basic premise of the book The Manchurian Candidate [22] is that a group of American POWs in the Korean War is brainwashed while crossing through Manchuria to freedom.
North Korea has long sought such talks as a way of winning official recognition and security guarantees from America, still beyond reach 56 years after the end of the Korean war.
Until 2001, anyone could walk into the National Archives in Washington and read, for example, how the United States badly miscalculated China's intervention in the Korean War in 1950.
California's huge defence and aerospace industry grew first from the second world war, then from the Korean war and the cold war (and, beyond the scope of this book, finally the Vietnam war).
This paper is based on the recently released informations about Chiang Kai-shek, also refers to governmental documents and personal memoir, to talk about his perception and reaction of the Korean War.
Korean conflict
During the Korean conflict, the Shipyard was engaged in the activation of ships.
The Korean conflict ended in a truce, but no formal peace treaty was ever signed.
think of the conflict with Japan during the second world war, the Korean war and Vietnam.
They never signed a peace treaty after the conflict on the Korean Peninsular in the 1950s.
They never signed a peace treaty after the conflict on the Korean Peninsular in the 1950s.
They never signed a peace treaty after the conflict on the Korean Peninsular in the 1950s.
In 1951, peace talks aimed at ending the Korean Conflict resumed in Panmunjom after 63 days.
State collapse in Pakistan or a military conflict on the Korean Peninsula could wreak havoc.
State collapse in Pakistan or a military conflict on the Korean Peninsula could wreak havoc.
In 1951, during the Korean conflict, North Korean and Communist Chinese forces captured the city of Seoul.
The conflict arose from the attempts of the two Korean powers to re-unify Korea under their respective governments.
The two Koreas are still technically at war. They never signed a peace treaty after the conflict on the Korean Peninsular in the 1950s.
The LIDA's effects are very localized. One U.S. prisoner of war during the Korean conflict reports seeing a LIDA machine at the prison camp.
It has undergone several modifications for veterans from the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam era, the Persian Gulf War and up to the present day.
It has undergone several modifications for veterans from the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam era, the Persian Gulf War and up to the present day.
It has undergone several modifications for veterans from the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam era, the Persian Gulf War and up to the present day.
Or do you see yourselves expanding into other conflicts like the Korean War, WW1 or maybe something fictitious like a open cold war conflict etc?
The conflict between Chinese dragon boat festival and Korean dragon boat sacrifice focuses on the protection and development of traditional culture.
Due to intense conflict between China and Japan, the warlords in Northeast China adopted measures to limit, assimilate and even eliminate Korean education.
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🙂找到一些相关词汇 6 重重无尽 字3880 2010-06-20 18:50:19
🙂多谢! 达雅 字32 2010-06-21 13:32:21
🙂准备好小马扎,等着你回来传达会议精神。 重重无尽 字0 2010-06-21 16:13:12