
主题:临时抱佛脚:抗美援朝英文求助 -- 达雅

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(2007-06-03 17:21:45)


金正日  Kim Jong Il

金日成  Kim Il Sung

金正南(金正日长子)  Kim Jong Nam

金正哲(金正日次子)  Kim Jong Chol

金正云(金正日第三子) Kim Jong Un

李承晚 Syngman Rhee

全斗焕 Chun Doo Hwan

卢泰愚  Roh Tae Woo

朴正熙  Park Chung Hee

朴槿惠  Park Geun Hye

国防委员会 the National Defense Commission

朝鲜劳动党 the Korean Worker's Party (KWP)

朝鲜人民军  the Korean People's Army (KPA)

朝鲜外务省发言人 a DPRK Foreign Ministry spokesman

朝中社   the Korean News Agency

劳动新闻  Nodong Sinmun

朝鲜人民军报  Josoninmingun

青年前卫报   Chongnyonjonwi

锦绣山纪念堂 (即金日成纪念堂) Kim Il Sung Memorial Hall

开城工业园区   Kaesong Industrial Park

金刚山  Mount Kumgang

新义州 Sinuiju

清津  Chongjin

板门店  Panmunjom

咸境北道 North Hamgyong Province

咸境南道 South Hamgyong Province

38度线  the 38th parallel

非军事区  the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

战争边缘政策 brinksmanship

美韩共同防御条约 US-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty

驻韩美军  US forces in Korea (USFK)

驻韩美军司令  the Commander of US forces in Korea

美韩联合司令部 the US and ROK Combined Forces Command

朝鲜半岛无核化 the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

朝鲜半岛核危机  the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula

宁边反应堆 the Yongbyon reactor

制造核弹 to build a nuclear bomb


complete, verifiable, and irreversible dismantlement of DPRK's nuclear program

核武器军备竞赛  nuclear-arms race

使用核武器作为最后的的威慑  to use nuclear weapons as a deterrent of last resort

裂变材料的生产      the production of fissile materials

核武器国家      nuclear weapon states

无核国家       non-nuclear weapon states

一旦拥有核武器   once in possession of nuclear weapons

放弃追求核武器   to relinquish its pursuit of nulcear weapons

澳门汇业银行  Banco Delta Asia (BDA)

"2.13 共同文件" the February 13 Joint Document

大浦洞-1导弹  Taepodong-1 missile

劳动-1型弹道导弹 Nodong-1 ballistic missile

国际原子能机构总干事巴拉迪  IAEA Director General Mohamed El Baradei

朝韩部长级会谈 Inter-Korean Ministerial Meeting

朝韩关系 inter-Korean relations

韩国对朝鲜的阳光政策 South Korea's Sunshine Policy towards North Korea

称朝鲜是"邪恶轴心"国家 to label North Korea as a member of the "Axis of Evil"

阿里郎表演  the Arirang performance (show)

先军   Songun (military first)

to give priority to military affairs

主体思想 Juche (self-reliance)

金日成被恭奉为永远的国家主席. Kim Il Sung was designated "eternal president".

对金日成的个人崇拜 the Cult of Kim Il Sung

封闭王国  the hermit kingdom

朝鲜的常规军事力量是庞大的. North Korea's conventional military forces are sizable.

美国必须对朝鲜态度强硬. The US must be tough on North Korea.

朝鲜正在考虑深化经济改革. North Korea is contemplating further economic reforms.

朝鲜坚持半岛无核化. North Korea is committed to the denuclearization of the peninsula.



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