
主题:【随笔】Taking Chance -- pxpxpx

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家园 你就继续帮着美国人建造他们的靖国神社吧


Don't Iraqis deserve freedom, safety, and the right to live a good life? Why do the Americans have rights to bomb and kill in another country in those lofty words? What a shame!

中国传统, 人死为大, 这些年轻的美国兵参军大多也是“make a living", 什么侵略战争的责任,灵堂上尊重死者也不过多追问了,对亡者保持足够的同情和尊重。但如果你一定要吹什么

“I respectfully ask that all of you reflect on this day and the sacrifices that millions of men and women have made to ensure our freedom, safety, and the right to live a good life.”

那对不起了,用什么人性来为侵略战争涂脂抹粉的, 见一个揭一个。

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