
主题:【讨论】Google承认窃听wifi信号 -- OldBadBug

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家园 【update】Google的辫子还给揪着

按英国telegraph的报道,德国的consumer protection称Google窃听wifi信号属于acted "illegally" and failed to show respect for the privacy of its citizens. 英国的Information Commissioner要求Google to delete information gathered on British citizens as soon as possible.


跳得最高的是澳大利亚的Stephen Conroy。他指责Google凌驾于政府之上。也不认同对Google关于窃听wifi信号是因为copy/paste代码的解释,而认定Google是有意为之。他的原话如下:

"Google have admitted to doing this and claim it was a mistake in the software code, meaning that it was actually quite deliberate, the code was collecting it," Conroy said in Senate Budget Estimates yesterday.

"The code that the computer program that collects it was designed to collect this information,"

"Yes, I'm saying they wrote a piece of code designed to do it,"


从技术上讲,Stephen Conroy说的绝对正确,代码本身的确就是designed to collect this information,连Google都承认了,嘿嘿。Stephen Conroy看Google不顺眼是因为他要在澳洲搞强制性的网络过滤(mandatory internet filter),这么一来正好和Google对上。不过Google在澳洲真是好孩子。按他们澳洲分部掌舵的说法是"But like any law-abiding company, we would consider a request to remove material in the light of what a law actually said." 不知道过阵子会不会也闹个撤出。

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