
主题:未来天朝,私仆将会扮演最终消费者的角色 -- 西瓜子

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家园 how to 宝推?

My influence score is to low for that. so sad. Great article.



--capital requires both return and safety. Therefore, labor rate can be increased even without scaring off capital--that happened in extreme time period, such as World War II's America. Actually outside capital flowed en masse into US and labor rate was much higher in US than in war-ridden Europe--that established the foundation of middle-class dominant social structure in America.

China can offer political stability and return, but its gov. is notorious in terms of historical record on property confistication--that's where risk comes from.

Europe is slowing imploding now. If America and China pushes it slowly into civil turmoil--then the outflow of capital is large enough to revive both America and China--for China, it can raise labor cost.

BUT CHINA'S GOV. CHOOSEs TO COMPETE ON THE CHEAP SIDE. It refuses to address the income disparity problem.

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