
主题:欧洲将死,G-2当立! series3_Portugal -- parishg

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家园 高人啊


--Chinese elites compete against the Jewish-Anglo elites? Day-dreaming. Before Chinese, there are French elites/German elites and Japanese elites. Do we notice what happened to them when they challenged the Anglo global dominance in the last 250 years?

If Chinese elites believe that they are more knowledgeable, more competent, more persevering, more tech-sophisticated, more patriotic, more nationalistic, more militaristic, more like-a-man-with-balls, more resourceful(oil,iron,nuclear energy) than German and Japanese elites, then they can go ahead...

Before that, stay safe in what China deserves. Keep in mind, in terms of living standard PER CAPITA, it is still outside the top 100 nations in the world!

China practised capitalism for only 30 years and enjoys peace and prosperity for no more than that, now those Chinese elites start to 不自量力 to challenge America? Do not they realize that they are sitting on a volcano called "real estate bubble" which may easily converts China into Argentina No.2??

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