
主题:TG 雅鲁藏布江第一个水电站开建 -- hansens

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家园 砖家称:大坝没蓄水,对下游地区影响不大。目前群众情绪稳定

中国在西藏雅鲁藏布江修水坝,印度外长去中国讨论此事对印度下游影响, 中国外长向印度保证,中国修水坝不会对下游水域构成影响,印度外长对中国的保证表示接受。



Haroon [email protected] 22 Apr, 2010 10:56 PM

Thats what you did to Pakistan and now when China is giving you a taste of your own medicine, you are screaming.


narad kola 22 Apr, 2010 01:40 PM

china also assured minister krishna that its bombs and missiles will not hurt india. Hence the government of india has decided to ignore china's spurt in arming its forces with these weapons and moving them closer to the border with india

中国另外表示,中国的导弹和炸弹不会对印度造成威胁, 因此印度政府决定不对中国扩军备战,军队调动到中印边境作出反应。

Sarang Pune 22 Apr, 2010 01:48 PM

Tomorrow Chinese soldiers entering Arunachal Pradesh would also be OK for Shri S.M Krishna and the UPA government because the Chinese would have assured that other Indian states will not be touched. Seriously, how naive can the UPA government get?

明天中国军队进入藏南,中国外长也向印度保证,中国军队进入藏南不会对印度构成威胁, 我们的政府有多天真啊?

Chetan United kingdom 22 Apr, 2010 02:01 PM

all these days, India was protesting against the dam proposals and when it comes to reality now, all Krishna says is there is no threat to downward stream.


Honest Opinion Muscat 22 Apr, 2010 02:16 PM

Very typical of our weak responses all whatever China does. A foregin minister who is always trying to justify China's actions


gps Delhi 22 Apr, 2010 02:25 PM

Even if the chinese dam impacts...do you have the Ba..., to do anything Mr. Minister


Anirban Delhi 22 Apr, 2010 02:58 PM

What type of ministery is this? China assures and you got assured. Do you have any fact finding system?

什么? 中国人保证这坝对印度没影响,你就信了? 你做过实际调查吗?

Dilip Assam 22 Apr, 2010 03:00 PM

Mr. Krishna, they said and you listened! Do you have any geography or science knowledge? China would generate electricity (which India is not able to), and North East India will dry up. When it rains there, (also in NE), then they will release water - which will flood whole North East.


Abhishek Kolkata 22 Apr, 2010 03:09 PM

I don't understand how he can make these statements like China has assured us. Till now the Chinese were "assuring"


Geo PBM 22 Apr, 2010 03:27 PM

When our politicians will have some functioning brain instead of mud? Till now china was denied and lied about the dam building and now say assured. Its foolish to believe what China says. The wise will ask for a written agreement including compensation and penalty if diverted.


naro delhi 22 Apr, 2010 03:36 PM

S M Krishna is a fool and the chinese must be laughing all the way back to Beijing。


DINAL JAMMU 22 Apr, 2010 03:51 PM

By closing eyes on the issues of China


Naga India 22 Apr, 2010 05:01 PM

Earlier China denied many times they are not building the Dam now they are telling they are building but not affects India after 5 years. are convinced Mr. Elite at least i am not

早先时候,中国表示中国没在西藏修水坝,5年后的现在又改口说修了水坝对下游也没影响, 多么有说服力啊

Gopan Chennai 22 Apr, 2010 05:09 PM

The purpose of any Dam is to store the water by restrict its flow. Now China invented a new theory, that they can construct Dam without effecting the flow of water....Great!

修水坝的目的就是控制水流,现在中国人发明了一种新理论,证明他们造的水坝不会对水流有影响, 多么伟大的发明啊。

Ozy Mumbai 22 Apr, 2010 05:27 PM

What will Krishna do? Say if we object will China listen to us. In front of China we are puppets.So Krishna is right whatsoever you do, I have no problem.

你们说风凉话啊?印度外长能做什么?就算我们反对,中国会理我们吗? 在中国面前我们就是些微不足道的傀儡, 所以外长的做法没什么问题, 我对外长没意见。

whatever Australia 22 Apr, 2010 05:45 PM

China dont give a phuk to the whole world. India get phukked by the whole world


sri China's bluff 22 Apr, 2010 06:06 PM

China also told Krishna, if we occupy Arunachal Pradesh, there is no problem for you. China told Krishna, the portion that we have taken from Kashmir is under our occupation, but you will not have any problem. China told Krishna, that if we build a dam across Brahmaputra, it will not affect the flow


Patriot Dubai 22 Apr, 2010 06:06 PM

Wonder if Krishna plans to collect all the water before China builds the dam. Come on Krishna ... where is your backbone? Stand up for your country or step down.


dev delhi 22 Apr, 2010 06:13 PM

....and he believed what chinese said...what a shame。


sunil mishra Delhi 22 Apr, 2010 07:15 PM

does india own Brahmaputra? There is no point in blaming indian government. fact it is hard to deal with mighty china. Only option left india need as strong as china. for that every indian is required to contribute.

印度政府掌握雅鲁藏布江和其下游吗?你们把一切责任推给印度政府有用吗?事实就是,本来对付强大的中国就很困难, 唯一的办法就是变得和他们一样强大, 为了这个目标,我们每一个印度人都要努力贡献

Ganesh Iyer Vasai 22 Apr, 2010 07:53 PM


抱怨有什么用呢?事实就是:印度既没有实力也没有勇气去阻止中国做什么, 印度也没有实力给中国施加压力, 而中国可以随心所欲地对干涉印度利益。

Manish europe 22 Apr, 2010 09:25 PM

am I suprised, I am not, even if Chinese said it would impact, Indian reaction would be call up Obama for help raise it in UN and wait for someone to extend us help. LAME SPINELESS CONGRESS

我一点都不惊讶,即便中国说那水坝对下游有影响, 印度也顶多只敢向美国求援,或者在联合国上求助他人,无能,没骨气的印度政客们。

hindustani uk 22 Apr, 2010 10:23 PM

Looks we are worried in telling the truth in powerful way. China and USA are not dependable.


ismail karachi 22 Apr, 2010 10:37 PM

hmmm when india stop pakistan's water all indians were happy and now china is stoping indian water so all indian are crying hahhaahah baby there is time for every thing one day kashmir will get its independence and on the other side china will not give u a single drop of water remember my word

哈哈,当年印度修坝阻止水流向巴基斯坦,所有印度人都很高兴, 现在中国对印度做同样的事,印度人放声大哭,哈哈哈,报应啊,印度小P孩们, 克什米尔将来会从印度独立, 而中国以后不会给你一滴水,记住我的话。

By: Ananth Seth | Thursday , 22 Apr '10 14:26:12 PM Reply | Forward

First they said "No Dam". Then they said "Dam, but no impact". Tomorrow, they will say "Impact, but not to India". Then they will say "Impact to India, but marginal". After that we will hear "Substantial Impact, but mitigable". Then finally the govt will be out and the next govt will be handed over the legacy of another "issue". To hell with these con.....


Chinese conspiracy: Urine war

by sparx sparx on Apr 22, 2010 04:02 PM | Hide replies

Its a new war, china will block water and lakhs of chinese imperial army will stand on the dam and spray urine on indian side regularly so the even the drops of water coming from that side will be mostly urine of chinese and the poor farmers will think it is raining on them until their land gets spoiled.

We need to counter is with launching missiles of desi shit and gujarati fart gas on beijing to succeed



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