
主题:【原创】阿姆斯特丹机场全面关闭 -- 思量

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家园 荷航将做10次测试飞行

KLM Operates Ten Test Flights

KLM will operate nine further test flights on Sunday, 18 April. This decision follows a successful test flight in Dutch airspace on Saturday evening. KLM will therefore operate a total of 10 test flights. The technical inspection conducted after yesterday’s flight revealed that no problems had been encountered and that the quality of the atmosphere is in order. Based on this information, the Dutch air transport authorities, Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat (IVW), granted permission to operate further test flights on Sunday, 18 April. KLM hopes to resume operations as swiftly as possible, so that passengers can be brought to their destination. Naturally, safety remains the chief priority.

The first flight departed from Düsseldorf, Germany, at around 06.30 hrs on Sunday morning. The aircraft had no passengers on board, but was staffed by a 20-strong crew. The crew on board will fly the seven aircraft stranded in Düsseldorf back to Schiphol one by one. These flights will be operated during the course of Sunday.

“These are test flights,” stressed KLM President & CEO Peter Hartman. “This does not mean that normal air traffic has been resumed. This matter will be decided on by the Dutch air transport authorities IVW, in consultation with the European authorities.”

If all of the flights are operated without a hitch, KLM hopes to receive permission to resume part of its operations as quickly as possible to bring passengers to their destination. KLM will join hands with Lufthansa, which operated 10 test flights in Germany yesterday.

KLM expects to issue further updates later today.

Passengers are advised not to travel to Schiphol, but to closely monitor airline websites for the latest information about their flight.

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