
主题:【文摘】保守的革命者――在杨振宁荣休晚宴上的讲话词 -- 不爱吱声

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In 1944 Yang completed his master's degree, after which he taught in a Chinese high school for a time and then traveled to the United States on a fellowship. Determined to benefit from direct contact with Enrico Fermi (the 1938 Nobel laureate who later built the world's first nuclear reactor), Yang enrolled at the University of Chicago in 1946. He completed his doctoral degree in less than two years, his thesis being supervised by Edward Teller.


Lee was born in Shanghai, China. His early studies at the National Chekiang University in Guizhou province, southern China, were interrupted by the Japanese invasion during World War II. He fled to Kunming, Yunnan, where from 1945 to 1946 he studied at the National Southwest Associated University. In 1946 he received a Chinese government scholarship, which enabled him to study at the University of Chicago in America. In 1950 he gained his PhD there for his astrophysics work on the composition of certain types of stars.




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