
主题:【原创】新年政治经济展望之四:金融资本(一) -- 井底望天

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家园 on US vs. Euro fight


--Not bad. I have been dreaming of watching this great show for a while. It seems that the Atlantic division is increasing day by day.


--发源之地希腊--hehe, Greece has too high regard for itself. Ancient Romans looked down upon Greeks for lots of useless philosophical debate. Romans also did not adopted popular democratic system from Athens. For practical Romans, those are blah blah talkers who can never agree among themselves on anything.

BTW, we should use the term Athens civilization, not "Greek civilization". Spartans are also Greeks, but those were brutal barbarians who contributed nothing to today's science, technology and political institutions. They are people who arranged individual marriage purely for giving birth to future soldiers and who brutally murdered their own children based on any small defect.

Those are Hitlers 2000 years ago. Very disgusting. BTW, the movie "300" has too much racism contents there.

America followed Rome, not Greece. Use Uncle Ben's word (that guy on the $100 bill): we are republic, not a democracy.

BTW, Chinese sometimes have too romantic perception of Europe. Below is some embarrassing exposure of its true history from me.

Europe in late 19th century was a vulnerable lab of so-called democracy, with lots of legacies from the past monarchies. Even that experiment turned out to be a big hypocrtical comedy, ending up in two disastrous world wars.

In the book of "Dark Continent", the European democracies are mostly laughing stocks.

--Look at French Republic: before WWII, change of cabinet is at least as frequent as the annual Christmas, if not more. French constitution was under constant revision and there were 5 versions in the last 200 years.

--Spain/Portugal were barbarian nations "on the other side of the mountain", according to European standard;

--Belgian parliament hardly functioned well given the language fight;

--Luxumberg was well-known for poverty and mass exodus of population (today it is the richest nation on the earth); --Germany is a never stable nation between 1910 to 1939. --Poland always had trouble with neighbors and lived under a parliament that did not function normally...

--Most Eastern European nations broke away from former master, but soon fell under the paw of the Red dictatorial Russian bear.

Keep in mind, national self-determination and then the blossom of parliamentary democracy was not possible for most continental Europea until after the Versailles Accord.

In summary, before WWI, UK might be the only European parliamentary democracy that had stood the test of time and crises. Holland was similar, but too small to win international attention.

Oops, sorry, Britons protest-they never perceive of themselves as "Europeans". Sorry, then there was actually no solid/functioning democracy in Europe before WWI. After WWI, democracy became the fad word, but it often malfunctioned in several European nations, e.g., German Weimar Republic.

Parliamentary democracies finally established their deep roots in Europe after WWII--one major factor is the emergence of a large growing middle-class in each country.

In sum, without a solid middle class, any beautiful democratic design is just a blueprint on the paper. Many national constitutions were written up by the best professors in those nations, oops, but democracy just malfunctioned in many post-WWI European countries.

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