
主题:【讨论】民工荒真相猜想:中国特色的滞胀已经来了吗? -- wqnsihs

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家园 hehe, you reach the key


--China will have a hell of trouble ahead in the next 5-10 years. You are really smart to see the pattern from history.

As I said before, you are the smart sheep that will be crushed by the short-sighted, stupid, fiat-money-cheated, emotion-driven herdish crowd. You are too smart and too foresightful. Do you have a crystall ball at home?

1945-2006 is a global party time under the America-led system under two key engines: global free trade and technology explosion.

We will lose both engines sooner or later(on the way now). And the pipeline of technology explosion is drying up in America--I saw little hope on the Pacific side of America.

The next technology explosion that will push up everybody might be at least 10 years in the future. Now the question: how to cut the global wealth/resource cake to maximize PHYSICAL benenfits (not some nominal currency reserve gains) for their constituents/voters.

The most democratic nation/with most voter pressure/staffed with merit-promoted officials will win out. It will not be China.

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