
主题:【原创】小孩子,大孩子 -- 希宝

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吃晚饭的时候,传传(五岁五个月)说要跟爸爸妈妈have a meeting.儿子等我把碗洗了他爸把电视关了,让我和他爸坐沙发上,他和妹妹搬了小椅子坐对面,一本正经地开会(我还以为忙了一通,他把这茬给忘了)。

传传说,today's meeting is about how to agree more with each other.

传传开始假设了,what if there is a big mess in the house? (我们家一半不愉快的起因)

又,what if you both get angry?

期间他爸打岔,传传说,Daddy, I am the leader now. After the meeting, you'll be the leader again


传传拍手示意大家安静, now how to agree more with each other? You need really think hard. Daddy, think about what Mommy likes. Mommy, think about what Daddy likes.

完了传传说,let's have a training now. 又让妈妈假装做点坏事来演习。

刷牙的时候,传传问,Mommy, is the family meeting boring? 我说,不闷,就是有点长,你主持得很好

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